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Team Meeting


Businesses need to grow in order to compete. Thoughtful growth in all areas helps an organization maintain quality while increasing capacity and output. While working to increase demand, leaders need to adapt their teams to the current stage of the organization. In order to grow, the team will need to expand beyond the passionate group of entrepreneurs who launched it. Growing a business requires more than increased revenue. 

Growing businesses need focus and strategy.

Propel helps growing companies develop effective strategies and high-performance teams by coaching their leaders. Through frank, personal conversations, we create a safe place for leaders and their senior advisors to develop winning strategies. Since leaders expend significant effort in managing their growing organization, we help them focus on the long-term strategy. Propel helps leaders meet short- and long-term goals.

Propel coaches work with entrepreneurs as they develop their personal leadership style. We believe leadership is a practice through which every leader constantly develops and refines their unique perspective, toolkit, and voice. Leveraging our experience and the latest knowledge, Propel ensures entrepreneurs are ready to lead their growing businesses.

Capabilities and experience

  • Leadership Coaching

  • Strategy Development

  • Teambuilding

  • Goalsetting

Grow Cohort 


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